How We Bear Fruit Together

Our Mission:

Serving the Body of Christ in NH in her Great Commission Calling

How Do We Work Together For Good?

Our Interaction Model:

In all our endeavors, we aim to follow three necessary steps.  This “Design Pattern” is intentionally replicated at every level within the NHA:


With prayerful dependence on Word and Spirit, we consider the issues before us biblically. Taking the time to build a true consensus, we listen to one another, and submit ourselves to God.


Once we have determined the right pathway to follow, we put together a plan to spread the good Word concerning the issue or opportunity before us.


Finally, we work with gifted servants among the churches who are full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom who can lead others in getting good projects done.

How and Where We Bear Fruit:


One size does not fit all. What works in Manchester may not be right for the North Country. As God builds up bonds of brotherly love in local areas, we expect that much good will come.  Each area can inform the other, but we don’t look for prescriptive solutions to transfer from one region to another.

As a State

We also recognize that there are times where it would be best for us to stand together as Christ-followers throughout the state and beyond.